Football Scouting Report Template

Leading up to the 2021 NFL draft, which starts April 29, Yahoo Sports will calculation bottomward our top 100 all-embracing prospects. We’ll calculation them bottomward in groups of bristles for Nos. 100-51, followed by added all-embracing letters on our top 50 players, with advice from our aloof assistant, Liam Blutman. We assets the appropriate to accomplish changes to players’ grades and evaluations based on abrasion updates, pro-day workouts or late-arriving advice from NFL teams.

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Previous anticipation rankings: Nos. 100-96 | 95-91

Actuality are how we use our anticipation grades for the 2021 NFL draft. (Albert Corona/Yahoo Sports)

6-foot-4, 302 pounds

Yahoo Sports abstract grade: 5.74 — abeyant starter

TL;DR aloof report: Athletically gifted, adorning larboard accouterment who is still a few years abroad from hitting his aiguille afterwards about-face from defense

Games watched: Boston Academy (2019), Memphis (2020), Houston (2020), Georgia (2020)

The skinny: A 4-star Rivals recruit (No. 240 nationally), Hudson drew absorption from several above programs, including Alabama, admitting not blossom as a amateur until his inferior season. Aback his dream academy of Ohio State didn’t appearance absorption in the two-way standout (defensive accouterment and larboard tackle), Hudson committed to the Buckeyes’ rival, Michigan. Afterwards redshirting as a arresting accouterment in 2017, he saw bound activity (31 snaps) as a assets appropriate accouterment in three amateur during the 2018 season. Hudson again transferred to Cincinnati and — afterwards the NCAA initially denied his accident abandonment — sat out the approved division afore authoritative his Bearcats admission as the starting larboard accouterment in the basin bold adjoin Boston College. In 2020, Hudson started every bold at larboard tackle, becoming all-conference first-team acknowledgment and was arrive to the Chief Basin as a redshirt junior.

Upside: Terrific able-bodied ancestry and movement skills. Ablaze on his anxiety with backward acknowledgment abilities to cut off rushers and circumlocute band twists and stunts. Moves like you’d apprehend from a adapted arresting lineman, with acceptable angle and flexibility. Gets low and gets beneath defenders.

Story continues

Big easily (11 inches) with outstanding anchor strength. Can boss aback he gets his easily central and times his bite well. Will amaze opponents with his antecedent blow.

Plays with an bend — seeks to coffin people. Plays through the blare and won’t aback bottomward from a bedrock fight. Appears to adore testing the courage of his opponents. Aggressive address is one of his hallmarks and a abundant aggregate with his able-bodied template. Arresting mentality.

Played shockingly able-bodied in 2020 as first-time amateur — aught sacks allowed. With some elements of his game, it looked like he’d been lining up at larboard accouterment for assorted seasons. Went from off of scouts’ radars to actual abundant on it in a hurry.

Solid Chief Basin week. Handled one-on-one canyon blitz drills able-bodied and appeared to aces things up quickly.

Downside: Project — raw, one-year starter. Alone 719 snaps in his academy career. Bite shows out at times with address and antithesis issues.

Flagged for seven penalties in 2020, including a targeting abhorrent in the aboriginal bisected of the basin bold adjoin Georgia that about concluded his academy career. Flagged for asinine fouls, such as an caitiff amends on an added point (SMU) and assorted apocryphal starts aftermost season. Carries that arresting mentality too far — could angle to reel in his acuteness and affections at times.

Limited breadth and bulk. Passable wingspan (82 1/8 inches) and arm breadth (33 inches) and could be a larboard bouncer applicant for some teams.

Really struggles adjoin adeptness and loses advantage action aback he leans or doesn’t acreage his antecedent bite squarely. Will about-face his anatomy too abundant and get his anxiety out of position. Exposes his chest and gives defenders a chargeless target.

Also struggled with the acceleration of Georgia’s first-round prospect, Azeez Ojulari, in the aboriginal bisected afore actuality ejected. Able (especially his bang slide) needs clarification and reps. Can be corybantic in his approach. Will buck hug defenders, which can advance to accessible flags.

Best-suited destination: Hudson is a complicated appraisal because of his affliction and rawness, but his high-end ancestry are enticing. We’d like to see him end up in a zone-blocking arrangement and be clean-cut as a larboard tackle, conceivably for a aggregation such as the Seahawks, Eagles or Rams (who accept crumbling larboard tackles). If Hudson is accustomed to alpha aboriginal in his NFL career, there could be some growing pains. With patience, he adeptness end up an arresting player.

Did you know: Hudson’s alteration from Michigan was an animal affair. He and the ancestors had some afflictive affairs with Jim Harbaugh and associates of the Wolverines’ apprenticeship staff, and Hudson after went accessible with mental-health concerns, citation depression. The collision about above bottomward to both abandon suggesting the added one wasn’t cogent the accomplished accuracy about Hudson’s bearings in Ann Arbor.

Player comp: If he pans out, conceivably Hudson becomes a La’el Collins-like lineman. If not, conceivably he’ll be added on the Cedric Ogbuehi or Yodny Cajuste track.

Expected abstract range: A top-50 landing atom wouldn’t be stunning, but if not he acceptable won’t get out of Day 2.

5-foot-9, 189 pounds

Yahoo Sports abstract grade: 5.74 — abeyant starter

TL;DR aloof report: Shifty, quick, undersized aback with accepting and acknowledgment adeptness who could be acclimated as a hybrid, do-it-all weapon

Games watched: USC (2019), Cal (2020), Arizona (2020), Arizona State (2020)

FOOTBALL. SCOUTING NOTEBOOK: Templates for scouting reports of Within Football Scouting Report Template

The skinny: A 3-star Rivals recruit, Felton enrolled aboriginal at UCLA and redshirted his aboriginal division in 2016. Afterwards seeing bound time as a receiver and agent in 2017, Felton confused about abounding time to receiver in 2018 and hauled in 20 catches for 207 yards and one TD. In 2019, he lined up mostly in the backfield, administration active duties with 2020 fourth-rounder Joshua Kelley, hasty 86 times for 331 yards and one TD; communicable 55 passes for 594 yards and four TDs; and averaging 26 yards per alpha with one TD. As a redshirt senior, Felton primarily lined up in the backfield and totaled 668 blitz yards on 132 carries with bristles TDs and bent 22 passes for 159 yards and three array in six games. He abounding the 2021 Chief Bowl.

Upside: Dynamic athleticism — abundant agility, change-of-direction abilities and anatomy control. Subtle access in the hole. Elusive in amplitude and can advance in a flash. Quick as a discharge to accomplish bodies absence commonly (see Arizona 2020 game).

Flashes nice annealed arm in space. Doesn’t accord defenders a apple-pie ambition to hit aback he has the ball. Highly advantageous on a per-touch abject abaft so-so Bruins abhorrent line.

Added notable backbone through his career. Shocking crammer aback asked to backpack the amount — averaged 27 touches per bold in 2020. Showed abstinent advance in canyon aegis over accomplished two years. Also gives acceptable accomplishment blocking downfield for teammates. Decent duke size.

Ate up DBs in one-on-one advantage drills at the Chief Basin — looked like a guy who had been arena aperture receiver all his life. Didn’t decelerate in his breach or appearance hesitancy. Has accurate positional versatility and should accept advanced address as either a active back, aperture receiver or a admixture of the two, forth with kickoff-return skill.

Was accommodating to booty on whatever role that was asked of him. Coachable and tough-minded athlete. Team-first player.

Downside: Small anatomy (measured 5-foot-8 5/8 at Chief Bowl) that’s abutting to maxed out. Middling arm breadth (31 3/8 inches) and wingspan (74 1/8 inches). Durability questions — ahead battled hamstring injuries. About absolutely won’t be a 15- or 20-touch-per-game amateur on the approved in the NFL.

Not as abounding home-run plays in 2020 with added aggregate — continued accretion of 40 yards. Brawl aegis is article to adviser — had two fumbles over his final 143 academy carries.

A bit too abundant east-west in his running, as adjoin to north-south. Alike with his quicks and vision, bigger as an outside-zone runner.

Legitimate agitation in the aloof association over area best to comedy him. Does he accept one ascendant spot? Avenue timberline adeptness be bound — you’re not activity to ask him to run bend routes or posts too often.

No punt-return acquaintance to allege of. A bit beforehand for a amateur — turns 23 in July.

Best-suited destination: Felton abstracts to accept a role agnate to how the Patriots accept acclimated James White, giving him casual carries and application him as an aperture receiver who can breach out and actualize amplitude adjoin nickel backs, safeties and linebackers. He adeptness never be an NFL workhorse, but he alone should be captivated aback by the abridgement of adroitness of his abhorrent coordinator.

Did you know: Jedd Fisch approved (unsuccessfully) to recruit Felton to Michigan but after accomplished him at UCLA. Considering Fisch spent a year with the Patriots aftermost season, it wouldn’t be a shock to see Felton aerial on New England’s radar.

Player comp: Agnate anticipation to Nyheim Hines, Gio Bernard and Dion Lewis.

Expected abstract range: Annular 3 or 4.

6-foot-4, 248 pounds

Yahoo Sports abstract grade: 5.75 — abeyant starter

TL;DR aloof report: Ornery acquaintance with fullback/H-back/tight end adaptability and some accepting adeptness account advance in

Games watched: Iowa State (2019), Duke (2020), South Florida (2020), Clemson (2020)

The skinny: A 3-star Rivals recruit from Georgia, Tremble had a aggregate of academy allure him — from blue-blood programs to Ivy League schools. He acclimatized on the Irish and redshirted his aboriginal division in 2018. The afterward year, Tremble started seven of 13 amateur and ranked fourth on the aggregation with 16 catches for 183 yards and four TDs in 13 games. His red-zone assembly slipped a bit in 2020 with aught TDs, but Tremble still becoming All-ACC atonement acknowledgment with 19 catches for 218 yards in 12 games.

Upside: Adeptness accept been the best blocking bound end in academy football aftermost season. Best on the move in the run bold — gets to the bend and seeks to coffin bodies all the way up to the additional level. Scrapper who loves to mix it up adjoin bigger players. Also able blocking adjoin smaller, quicker targets. Helps activation one of the bigger hasty attacks in the country aftermost year.

Watch actuality adjoin South Florida as Tremble, lined up at fullback, gets alfresco to advance the way for an accessible hasty score:

Watch actuality as Notre Dame TE Tommy Tremble leads the way for an accessible hasty score.

Surprising able-bodied adeptness — fires out of his attitude and shows some acceptable straight-line movement skill. Adeptness run a decidedly acceptable 40-yard birr time.

Fullback adeptness — lined up in the backfield frequently the accomplished two seasons. Also lined up in-line, in the slot, out advanced and on the wing.

Has accepting accomplishment that could be developed. Shows nice access off the band and gets into his breach nicely. Displayed solid anatomy ascendancy to acclimatize to astray throws and accomplish plays on the amusement — yet accession highlight from the USF game:

Notre Dame TE Tommy Tremble has some arresting accepting skills.

Young aptitude with some upside — turns 21 years old in June. Coachable and versatile. A acceptable blue-collar accession with some upside to develop.

Downside: Inexperienced. Missed best of his chief division in aerial academy and played alone two years in college.

Limited accepting assembly — 35 catches in 19 career games. Aught TDs in 2020. Alone two career catches 20-plus yards downfield. Absent arena time and accepting opportunities in 2020 to accomplished apprentice Michael Mayer.

Uneasy easily — too abounding drops for so few accepting chances. Avenue active could use some refinement, and his avenue timberline adeptness consistently be pared bottomward somewhat. Some of his catches accept to be advised up, such as with rollouts and misdirection (Y Leak, e.g.).

Doesn’t consistently accretion abundant breach and generally has to accomplish catches in bound coverage. Admitting acceptable speed, there’s a abridgement of shiftiness and elusiveness in his game.

Blocking accomplishment and capability were blue-blooded ancestry on academy akin but could attempt to lock horns with bigger, best defenders. Arm breadth appears hardly sub-par.

Wasn’t asked to accord abundant on appropriate teams — beneath than 25 career snaps on those units.

Best-suited destination: Tremble abstracts to carve out a role as a amalgam bound end/H-back for a aggregation that uses a lot of “12” and alike “13” personnel, such as Ravens, Titans, Patriots, Panthers or Vikings. If he can acquisition a role on appropriate teams, Tremble would be alike added valuable.

Did you know: Tremble’s father, Greg, played assurance in academy at Georgia and spent one year in the NFL with the Eagles and Cowboys. He won a Super Basin arena on the Cowboys’ agenda in the 1995 division aback they exhausted the Steelers in Super Basin XXX, although he was on afflicted assets and didn’t comedy in the game.

Player comp: Reminiscent as a anticipation of 2019 second-rounder Drew Sample but could accept Jack Doyle or Irv Smith Jr.-like abeyant if his accepting abilities are developed properly.

Expected abstract range: Rounds 3 or 4

6-foot-1, 195 pounds

Yahoo Sports abstract grade: 5.75 — abeyant starter

TL;DR aloof report: Aqueous avenue agent with outstanding anatomy ascendancy who could be a accoutrement as an NFL aperture receiver

Games watched: UCLA (2019), Iowa (2019), Arizona State (2020), Washington State (2020), UCLA (2020)

The skinny: A 5-star Rivals anticipation (No. 3 nationally), St. Brown had his aces of the clutter aback it came to a academy choice. He landed at USC and was an burning contributor, communicable a game-winning TD in his aboriginal academy challenge and finishing his apprentice year with a team-high 60 grabs for 750 yards and three TDs in 11 games. As a green in 2019, St. Brown bent 77 passes for 1,042 yards and six scores, abacus seven rushes for 60 yards and a TD in 13 contests. In his inferior season, he bent 41 passes for 478 yards and seven array (all in his final three games). St. Brown declared for the 2021 NFL abstract as an underclassman.

Upside: Acutely accustomed avenue agent — fluid, bland and confident. Makes aciculate cuts attending accessible and sells routes acutely well. Sudden and ablaze anxiety to accumulate antithesis throughout the avenue and explodes out of breach to accretion separation. Quickness to accomplish the aboriginal man absence added generally than not.

Consistently advantageous — five-plus catches in 16 of his final 17 academy amateur and alone three career amateur with beneath than three catches. Terrific anatomy ascendancy and timing at the bolt point. Abundant anxiety forth the amusement and can booty in the astray throws.

Underrated competitiveness and toughness. Comes aback for the football and works fearlessly over the middle, area safeties lurk. Will breach and blooper through tackles. Gives requisite accomplishment as a blocker.

Very able and focused. Prepares like a pro. Address is polished.

Downside: Drops are too common — makes the boxy grab and again coughs up the easier ball. Will alpha active after the brawl anchored at times. Had bollix issues beforehand in his career — three as a apprentice (but aught in the afterward two years).

Could attempt to absolution from columnist advantage and adeptness be best at home in the aperture predominantly. Not absolutely as able on the alfresco as he was inside.

Lacks abysmal acceleration to consistently booty the acme off of defenses and aristocratic explosiveness — not a lot of band of him amid downfield. Angular anatomy and bound length. Adeptness not book as able-bodied adjoin physical, longer-armed corners.

Competes adamantine but doesn’t win with physicality. Could angle to add some added anatomy armor to angular frame. Blocking accomplishment is fine, but capability is middling at best.

Has some acknowledgment adeptness but bound assembly — had alone one punt acknowledgment best than 11 yards. Alone alternate two kickoffs and adeptness not acquire abundant added special-teams amount (maybe as a vice, which he did briefly as a freshman). Adeptness never be a accurate No. 1 receiver.

Best-suited destination: St. Brown would be an outstanding third advantage and a acceptable WR2, lining up predominantly in the aperture and occasionally actuality acclimated on allotment and end-arounds.

Did you know: St. Brown is chatty in three languages — English, German and French. He is the son of John Brown, a bodybuilder who was a backstab Mr. Universe (1981 and 1982) and three-time Mr. World; and the brother of Packers 2018 sixth-rounder Equanimeous St. Brown and Stanford receiver Osiris St. Brown.

Player comp: A Tyler Boyd clone, and style-wise, there are alike some shades of Chris Godwin to his game. But we aloof don’t anticipate he’ll anytime adeptness that akin in the NFL.

Expected abstract range: Rounds 2 or 3

6-foot-5, 279 pounds

Yahoo Sports abstract grade: 5.76 — abeyant starter

TL;DR aloof report: Long-levered, versatile, strong, acute arresting lineman whose Achilles abrasion clouds his abstract projection

Games watched: Texas A&M (2020), Ole Absence (2020), Florida (2020), Missouri (2020)

The skinny: A 3-star Rivals recruit, Odeyingbo — the son of Nigerian-born parents — committed to the Commodores to comedy alongside his brother Dare (who spent time on the Cincinnati Bengals’ roster). As a apprentice in 2017, Dayo fabricated 20 tackles (4.5 for losses), 2.5 sacks and one interception in 12 games. He started 10 of 12 amateur in 2018, authoritative 28 tackles (6.5 for losses), 2.5 sacks and two bollix recoveries. In 2019, Odeyingbo started 11 of 12 games, accession 45 tackles (12 for losses) and 1.5 sacks.

In 2020, Odeyingbo was called all-SEC additional team, with 32 tackles (8 for losses) and 5.5 sacks. He autonomous out of Vandy’s final two amateur of the division to adapt for the 2021 NFL draft. Odeyingbo had accustomed an allurement to the Chief Basin but reportedly suffered a burst Achilles abrasion afterward the season.

Upside: Outstanding breadth and admeasurement — abstinent at 6-foot-5 1/4 and 279 pounds by scouts aftermost year, forth with aristocratic arm breadth (35 5/8 inches) and abundant duke admeasurement (10 inches). Excellent beat for a man of his size. Gets off the brawl band a canyon rusher 15-20 pounds lighter. Estimated by scouts to run in the 4.8-second 40-yard birr ambit above-mentioned to his injury.

Physical and able — invites acquaintance and usually wins force matchups. Violent easily and a able base. Shows nice duke allocation to defeat OL punches, and his assignment on the bigger credibility of DL appearance up in his all-embracing technique. Has some accustomed pass-rush accomplishment — acceptable antecedent moves and can cantankerous blockers’ faces with a nice aboriginal step. Plays with acquaintance — keeps eyes up and looks to locate the brawl quickly.

Great versatility — rushed about appropriately from central and out and addled abandon routinely. Chess allotment up advanced with three-down ability. Fared aloof as able-bodied on the autogenous as he did out on the edge. Wasn’t amidst by abundant aptitude in 2020 and in abounding means was a one-man assemblage on defense. Faced absolutely a few bifold teams.

Here’s Odeyingbo (No. 10) burying the Ole Absence larboard tackle, assuming outstanding accomplishment on a first-and-goal comedy backward in bold the Rebels were acceptable 41-14 at the time:

Vanderbilt DL Dayo Odeyingbo kept his motor active hot, alike in blowouts such as this one adjoin Ole Miss.

Outstanding effort. Kept motor revving for winless aggregation that absent six amateur by three array or added — never chock-full alive and grinding. Had one of his best 2020 amateur adjoin Texas A&M’s able abhorrent line.

Smart, tough, answerable and apprenticed — can’t ask for a bigger aggregate in a abeyant aggregation captain at the abutting level. Fabricated strides as a amateur every division on campus.

Downside: Achilles abrasion acceptable puts a advantageous alpha to training affected in austere agnosticism — about assertive to activate the division on the PUP (physically clumsy to accomplish list) and adjournment his amateur debut. Abrasion acceptable amount him an absolute annular in agreement of abstract status. Acceptable to lose some lower-body strength, accumulation and backbone while rehabbing.

Limited assembly — 26.5 tackles for loss, eight sacks, one affected bollix and two recoveries in 41 career games. Not acceptable to be a huge sack ambassador on the NFL level. Not a apple-pie tackler — lets some brawl carriers get through his grasp. Charge apprentice to blanket up better.

Some teams adeptness appetite him to aggregate up and comedy added inside, while others adeptness adopt him to afford aloof a few pounds and break on the edge. Has a bit of a tweener frame. About never asked to bead into coverage, not alike in abbreviate zones.

Still alive on his antithesis and footwork. Has some clunkiness to his bold and has some awkward reps on tape. Can get balked if his antecedent blitz move is stunted. Pad akin tends to acceleration the best amateur go on.

Could use a redshirt division to clarify some of his technique, alike if he’s formed adamantine at it.

Best-suited destination: With his abrasion clouding his Year 1 projection, whatever aggregation drafts Odeyingbo charge accept that his amateur division abundantly could be a wash. We accept he profiles best as a abject end in a 4-3 advanced or as a 5-technique end in a 3-4 system, but abacus weight or slimming bottomward could change that. In time, however, we appearance Odeyingbo as a admired DL allotment able of bushing a array of roles.

Did you know: Odeyingbo is article of a barbarian in the kitchen, too. He loves to baker — abnormally for his teammates. “My go-to meal would be a quick Hibachi,” he told the school’s website aftermost season. “Easy meal. I grew up affable with my mom, and it’s article I adulation to do.”

Player comp: Agnate to 2018 fourth-rounder Jalyn Holmes or 2019 fifth-rounder Charles Omenihu.

Expected abstract range: Annular 4

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